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 Please  send an e-mail to: embriologi@gmail.com with subject events.


Stress, inflammation and reproduction

3rd July 2015 at 8:45 to 18:00 (GMT+01:00) Rome "Stress, inflammation and reproduction” https://www.nature.com/natureevents/science/events/32817-Stress_inflammation_and_reproduction

7th World World Congress on Ovulation Induction

7th World World Congress on Ovulation Induction 03/09/2015 - 05/09/2015  www.gynepro.it/Educational/EventiDetail.asp?id=59

The New European Surgical Academy (NESA)

The New European Surgical Academy (NESA) 18-20 September 2015 www.comtecmed.com/nesa/2015/Default.aspx

Controversies in preconception, preimplantation and prenatal genetic diagnosis: How will genetics technology drive the future? (CoGEN)

Controversies in preconception, preimplantation and prenatal genetic diagnosis: How will genetics technology drive the future? (CoGEN) 25-27 September 2015, Paris www.comtecmed.com/cogen/2015/Default.aspx  

Transvaginal Laparoscopy

Transvaginal Laparoscopy December 2015, 2-3   Leuven, Belgium https://www.europeanacademy.org/Transvaginal_Laparoscopy.html
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