
Dear colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to Bucharest, Romania  for the BES2020 – “The perfect time, way and future "  organized by AER on-line

The target audience consists of Clinicians, Paramedicals, basic researchers, Clinical Embryologists, Andrologists, Geneticists and Lab technicians working in IVF, interested in improving their theoretical and hands-on skills in recent advances on the treatment of infertility.

Lectures will be given by a panel of experts who are actively involved in the treatment of infertility and will provide a clear insight of the up to date knowledge and efficiency of the available techniques and tools.

Looking forward to welcoming you at our 8th Symposium..

On behalf of entire BES Team,

Dr. biol. Delia Hutanu

Dr. Diana Cocei

Dr. Melihan Bechir

Biol. Monica Dascalescu

Certificate of Attendance

Certificates of attendance will be available for all participants. Please ensure that you will participate to the entire program and completed evaluation and survey forms, as you will need in order to receive your certificate and your organizational credits.

Certified by  OBBCSSR with 6 EMC credits

Certified by CMR with 4 EMC credits

Certified by OAMMR with 4  EMC credits


Course description

This course will recapitulate old concepts and bring new practical insights. It will include interactive disscusions where delegates will have the opportunity to discuss their own experiences together with the experts.

 In the last years a lot of new developmental steps have been made in human assisted reproduction and other health care fields. The moment of assesing all new technologies and to discuss what about the safety and quality, what about the necessities or challenges of our profesion in the coming years?  Patients will ask for them, but what is the value of these new developments for daily practice? These fundamental question will be discussed from the perspective of human reproduction specialists.

Course objectives:

  • To learn basic and advanced tools in ART
  • To get up-to-date on compliance in ART
  • To understand project management by influencing people and inducing change
  • To learn to discuss new tehnics in the correct atmosphere

Educational methods:

  • Lectures
  • Discussions

Target audience 
Clinicians, paramedicals, basic researchers, embryologists .

Educational needs and expected outcomes

The field of reproductive care moves and evolutes fast. This creates the need for a lot of the professionals to be informed about all those new techniques and for the opportunity to discuss with their colleagues about the opportunities and challenges of these innovations. This program will provide you new knowledge on recent development within reproductive medicine. Moreover, it will provide you informations and it will give you insight into the opportunities to implement these techniques yes or no in your own clinical practice .

" The perfect time, way and future "


Session 1 –the perfect time and the perfect way of doing

Chair: Andreea Veliscu / Bogdan Doroftei



Wellcome note



Too fast to IVF? When to start?

   Jelena Stojnic                                  

9.30- 9..35



9.35 –9.55

When and what to do in the lab?

Alexia Chatziparasidou

9.55– 10.00



10.00-10.20 Performance indicators in the lab and clinic Kelly Tileman  
10.20-10.25 Discussion    
10.25-10.45 Is there a future for freeze all ?

Anja Bisgaard Pinborg

10.45-10.50 Discussion    


Industry presentation 

Shaun Rogers 10.50-11.05

Continual Monitoring “Embryology peace of mind"

Gisela Maggiotto  11.05-11.20

Improving IVF procedures

11.20-11.30 Coffee break    


Session 2 –the perfect future and the imperfect present

Chair:Laura Dracea / Delia Hutanu


11.30 – 11.50

Clinical aspects of nuclear transfers

 Valery Zukin


11.50  -11.55





CRISPR, Gene Editing and IVF 

Anna Veiga







Covid-19 era

 Barış Ata

12.40 -12.45





Industry presentations:

Corina Manolea-  Subcutaneous Progesterone for luteal phase support in ART cycles  12.45-13.05

Cryos International 13.05-13.10

Vavian Trading 13.10-13.15

DuxMD 13.15-13.25

13.30-14.30 Lunch Break

Session 3 : " Rolul asistentei in FIV"

Chair: Ioana Rugescu
14.30-14.50 Rolul asistentei in laboratorul de embriologie lector universitar Dr Delia Hutanu  
14.50-15.10 Rolul asistentei in relatia medic-pacient Dr. Diana Cocei  
15.10-15.30 Ce si cum raportam  Asistent universitar embriol. Dr. Anca Coricovac  
15.30-15.50 Importanta asistentei in faza preanalitica Dr. Petronela Naghi  
15.50-16.10 Legislatia aplicabina consilier ANT Adina Moroianu  
16.10-16.25 Discutii    
16.25-16.30 Cuvant de inchidere