Specific legislation for MAR-treatments (last update : 2009)
02.06.2015 14:10
Austria Law: Gewebesicherheitsgesetz-GSG 19.3.2008 'Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz' Belgium Law 1999: regulation of IVF Centres Law 2003: embryo research Law 2003: conditions reimbursement laboratory Law 2006: reimbursement gonadotrophins Law 2007: informed consent regulations Law 2008: inspections reimbursement inseminations tissue and cell directives Bulgaria Law for the Health
Cyprus No specific legislation in place Czech Republic N.A. Denmark Lov om krav til kvalitet og sikkerhed ved håndtering of humane væv of celler - 2006 Bekendtgørelse nr. 1266 - 2008 Bekendtgørelse nr. 984 af - 2007 Bekendtgørelse nr. 753 - 2006 Lovbekendtgørelse Bekendtgørelse nr. 1724 - 2006 Bekendtgørelse om indberetning af IVF-behandling - 2004 Estonia Assisted fertilization and Protection of the embryo - 1997 Finland Act of Assisted Reproduction (https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2006/20061237) Act of Medical use of human organs, tissues and cells (https://www/finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2001/20010101) (https://www/finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2007/20071302) France Law 2004-800 transposing the EUTCD - 2008 Germany Penal law (embryo protection law): Gesetz zum Schutze von Embryonen Rechtsverordnungen (= executive order law) to the Gewebegesetz: 1) Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellungsverordnung 2) Transplantationsgesetz: https://bundesrecht.juris.de/tpg/BJNR263100997.html Greece Legislation 3305/2005 Hungary Act on Health, Chapter IX., 20/2007. (IV.19.) Ministerial Decree (EüM), 30/1998 (VI.24) Ministerial Decree (NM) Ireland No specific legislation in place Italy Law 40/2004 Since 2009 the Italian constitutional court allowed most of restrictions set by 40/2004. Latvia No specific legislation in place Lithuania No specific legislation in place Luxembourg No specific legislation in place Malta No specific legislation in place Netherlands Planningsbesluit In Vitro Fertilisatie (Act on In Vitro Fertilization) - 1998 Embryowet (Embryo Act) - 2002 Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (Law on data from donors for artificial reproduction) 2002 Wet veiligheid en kwaliteit lichaaMember Statesmateriaal (Law on safety and quality of human tissues) - 2003 Poland No specific legislation in place Portugal Law 32/2006 Romania No specific legislation in place, only a general law based on Cell and Tissue Directive for all kinds of cell and tissue transplant (Law n° 95/2006 art. 153 till art. 164 and law guidelines /25.10.2006 with all later amendments) Slovakia N.A. Slovenia Act on infertility treatment and procedures of biomedical assisted procreation since 2000 Act for quality and safety of tissues and cells for the medical treatment since 2007 Spain 14/2006 26 de mayo sobre técnicas de Reproduccion humana asistida Royal Decree 1301/2006 Sweden 2008 (Lag 2008:286 om kvalitets- och säkerhetsnormer vid hantering av mänskliga vävnader och celler) SFS 2005:39, SFS 2006:351, SFS 2009:262, SOFS 2002:13 SFS 2008:286 United Kingdom HFEA Act 1990 with changes concerning parenthood, PGD in 2008