
Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor



Dear Friends and Colleagues,



As we celebrate the10th Anniversary of AER and 40 years of IVF , we are delighted to invite you to participate at our seven edition of the Bucharest Embryology Symposium " Oocyte and endometrium  like bread and butter for female fertility ", which will take place in in Bucharest, Romania on 2-3 November.


 We look forward to welcoming you at this exciting scientific event in Bucharest!





Ioana Rugescu 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the entire Bucharest Embryology Symposium Team (BEST)


Organising Committee:

Ioana Rugescu-event coordinator

Dascalescu Monica

Melihan Bechir



Ramada Plaza Bucharest

Str. Poligrafiei nr. 3-5, Sectorul 1

Bucharest, Romania 013704




The official language of BES 2018 is English. There will be no simultaneous translation.


Certificate of Attendance

Certificates of attendance will be available for all participants. Please ensure that you have your name badge with you and the completed evaluation and survey forms, as you will need in order to receive your certificate.
Certified by OBBCSSR with 12 EMC credits.
Certified by CMR with 8 EMC credits.

Congress badges should be worn by all participants at all times during the congress, in the exhibit area and within other areas of the congress centre as well as during social activities. Only participants wearing their congress badge will be admitted to the scientific sessions, to the exhibition and to the social events.


The aim of AER is to provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of new clinical and scientific ideas. The Society, in good faith, assumes that all participants will respect the non-political nature of our meeting.
The registration desk will be located in the entrance hall of the congress center and will be open during entire event.
Smoking is prohibited in indoor public places and workplaces and on public transportation.  There are also some limited restrictions on smoking in outdoor public places, such as in playgrounds and at open spaces in health facilities.
We will have smoking places near by.
Hotel Accommodation 

Ramada Bucharest Parc hotel 

Social Diner

We invite you to join us at the end of event for a 4 hours diner 


Course description

This course will recapitulate old concepts and bring new practical insights. It will include interactive session where delegates will have the opportunity to trouble shoot their own examples together with the experts.

 In the last years a lot of new developmental steps have been made in human assisted reproduction and other health care fields. The moment of assesing all new technologies and to discuss what about the safety and quality, what about the necessities or challenges of our profesion in the coming years?  Patients will ask for them, but what is the value of these new developments for daily practice? These fundamental question will be discussed from the perspective of human reproduction specialists.


Course objectives:

  • To learn basic and advanced tools in ART
  • To get up-to-date on compliance in ART
  • To understand project management by influencing people and inducing change
  • To learn to discuss trouble shooting in the correct atmosphere


Educational methods:

  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Case presentations
  • Case discussions

Target audience 
Clinicians, paramedicals, basic researchers, embryologists .


Educational needs and expected outcomes
The field of reproductive care moves and evolutes fast. This creates the need for a lot of the professionals to be informed about all those new techniques and for the opportunity to discuss with their colleagues about the opportunities and challenges of these innovations. This program will provide you new knowledge on recent development within reproductive medicine. Moreover, it will provide you informations and it will give you insight into the opportunities to implement these techniques yes or no in your own clinical practice .

Day I 02.11.2018

" Future before birth (solidity + innovation = Future)" 


17:00 – 17:30 registration

17:30 – 17:35 Welcome

17:35 – 17:55   Laura Dracea (RO) "Updates in hot topics related to infertility and early pregnancy"

17:55 – 18:00  Discussions 

18:00 – 18:20 Lara Andronescu( RO)“Optimizarea calitatii ovocitelor si a ratei de implantare prin asocierea in stimulare a unor produse cu HCG in compozitie”

18:20 – 18:25 Discussions

18:25 – 18:40  Mihaela Cosma (RO) -  Fertility supplement study , study coordinated by prof. Marinescu and Mihaela Cosma

18:40 – 18:45 Discussions

18:45 – 19:20 Iñaki González (ES) "New therapeutic options with hCG driven LH activity in ovarian stimulation"

19:20 – 19:30 final remarks


Day II 03.11.2018

" Oocyte and endometrium  like bread and butter for female fertility "


8.00 – 9.00

Registration/ welcome coffee (A)


Wellcome Note


Session 1 – OOCYTES  -part I



How many eggs do we really need? 

 Arianna D'Angelo( UK)

9.30- 9..40


9.40 – 10.10

The safety of oocyte cryopreservation

Alessandra Alteri (IT)

10.10 – 10.20



10.20 – 10.40

Artificial oocyte activation-risk and benefits

Jelena Stojnić.(RS)




10.50-11.00 posters presentation  

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee break


Session 2 –OOCYTES-part II


11.30 – 12.00

Oocyte quality in relation with ovarian stimulation

Jelena Stojnić.(RS)




12.10- 12.40

Preparing the emdometrium for oocyte donation

Gueorgui  Nikolov (BG)

12.40- 12.50




Oocyte and embryo quality- Can we do better?

Peter Fancsovits (HU)





Trophectoderm Biopsy

Victoria Sanchez (GE)

13.30 – 15.00




Session 3 –Endometrium Part I

Chair: Cristian Vaduva/ Adrian Bors


15.00 – 15.20

Endometrial scratching

Gueorgui  Nikolov (BG)

15.20  -15.30




Designed babies - Utopia or reality ?

Peter Fancsovits (HU)





Unterine flushing

Arianna D'Angelo (UK)

16.20 -16.30




IVF  data management Software and Matching System - a vital point for patient safety

Heinz Strohmer (A)





Closing Remarks



Social  Dinner

Image may contain: 8 people, people sittingImage may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: indoorImage may contain: 13 people, indoorImage may contain: 19 people, people smiling, people standing and indoorImage may contain: 3 people, people smilingImage may contain: 8 people, indoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor